Andy Stanish

August 16, 2024

Vim and YouCompleteMe: A Love Story

I made learning vim a priority when I first got into linux, and eventually got to the point where I wrote an entire api on MacVim (check out my old neovim config repo for some insane nerdery). I've been using Webstorm for work for years, and so I got this site started using PyCharm. It's a great IDE, but I miss vim, so I decided to get vim set up to use for this site again.

My vim config and a summary of the steps here can be found in this gist



I had vim installed from source already, but it turned out I needed python support for YCM.


I use pyenv. I also installed vim and YCM in a virtualenv, which I think I've done before with no issues... so we shall see if that bites me in the future.

When I first tried to install YCM, I got this error on starting vim:

symbol not found in flat namespace '_PyByteArray_Type'

Turns out YCM needs python with shared lib support, so I reinstalled the latest version with --enable-framework:

> export PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework"
> arch --arm64 pyenv install  3.12.3
> pyenv global 3.12.3

Vim from source

This was easy... I think. I forget if I had to jump through any hoops to get it to compile in the first place, but I don't think so. I cloned the github repo and then:

> python -m venv penv
> source penv/bin/activate
> ./configure --with-features=huge \
    --enable-multibyte \
    --enable-gtk3-check \
    --with-python3-command=python \
> sudo make install

I had already copied my .vimrc into the right place and installed vim-plug, so the next step was just starting vim and running :PlugInstall


This is also way simpler these days; when I first used it years ago I had to figure out how to get the c compiler to use the Boost lib. I made sure I had the penv activated, then installed some deps it complained about:

> brew install cmake go

and then ran the install:

> python --all


Obviously the install here is easy, but I use the zsh (and the wonderful iTerm2 which I'll have to write up a post on someday) and I want to be able to open files in MacVim easily. So I added this to my .zprofile (I use zpresto):

alias mvim="open -a $1"


Everything works! I'm sure I'll be adding way more customizations and functionality to vim going forward, so check back at some point and see!

vim with monokai pro theme and YCM